- 論文
- 学会発表
著者 タイトル 雑誌名 卷 号 ページ Hisashi Yoshida Long-term Outcomes of Surgical Repair for Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries Ann Thorac Surg 118 6 1279-1287 Akiko Yamagata Resolution of protein-losing enteropathy by left ventricular assist device in a child with restrictive cardiomyopathy JTCVS Tech 29 146-149 Shintaro Sawa Thirty-year outcomes of low-intensity anticoagulation for mechanical aortic valve Heart Vessels
39 6 549-555 Satoru Domoto Minimum-incision transsubclavian transcatheter aortic valve replacement with balloon-expandable valve for dialysis patients J Cardiol 84 2 93-98 Masataka Hirota Transcatheter Self-Expandable Aortic Valve Implantation in the Expandable Surgical Aortic Valve JACC Cardiovasc Interv
17 11 1397-1399 2023年
著者 タイトル 雑誌名 卷 号 ページ 越江裕基 人工弁機能不全に対して緊急経カテーテル的大動脈弁留置術で救命しえた1例 胸部外科 76 8 633-637 池田 諒 植え込み後47年を経たBjoerk-Shiley Delrin弁機能不全に対して再MVRを施行した1例 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 52 1 29-33 Shuhei Nishijima Coronary artery bypass grafting transiently improves myocardial flow reserve in patients with impaired left ventricular function Int J Cardiol 390 131231 Hiroshi Niinami 1-year outcomes of patients implanted with the Perceval sutureless valve: the Japanese post-marketing surveillance study Heart Vessels 38 7 949-956 Yuki Nakayama Favorable long-term outcomes in hospital survivors of a neonatal arterial switch operation JTCVS Open
13 260-270 Yukiko Yamada Clinical Validation of a Neointima-Inducing Inflow Cannula in a Continuous Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device ASAIO J 69 3 299-303 Satoru Domoto Aligning Orifice of the Renal Artery with Fish-Mouth FIXation Technique During Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair for Hostile Neck Anatomy Vasc Endovascular Surg
57 3 236-243 Takeshi Shinkawa Ventricular assist device for end-stage adult congenital heart disease patients: Current status J Cardiol 81 4 378-384 Yuki Nakayama Septic pulmonary embolism secondary to prosthetic conduit fungal endocarditis in a child Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 71 1 67-70 Satoru Domoto Minimum-incision trans-subclavian transcatheter aortic valve replacement with regional anesthesia J Cardiol 81 2 131-137 2022年
著者 タイトル 雑誌名 卷 号 ページ 新冨静矢 大学病院における診療看護師の導入と活動 胸部外科 75 11 917-921 市原有起 【日本の心臓移植の今】心臓移植実施施設としての使命 東京女子医科大学の在り方 胸部外科 75 1 4-9 Shizuya Shintomi Minimally Invasive Two-Stage Procedure of Aorto-Bi-Iliac Stent-Graft Implantation Performed in a Patient with an Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and Long-Segment Iliac Artery Occlusion: A Case Report Am J Case Rep 23 e937508 Shogo Isomura Modified Candy-Plug Device for the Dilated False Lumen Occlusion - is a Candle Better than a Candy? Ann Thorac Surg 114 3 e219-e221 Saeki Watanabe Successful Removal of a Posterior Cardiac Lipoma by Transection of the Ascending Aorta and Main Pulmonary Artery Case Rep Cardiol 2022 3813369 Yuki Nakayama Surgical Outcomes in Children With Partial and Transitional Atrioventricular Septal Defect World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg
13 4 451-457 Akihisa Furuta Long-term surgical results of transposition of the great arteries with left ventricular outflow tract obstruction J Cardiothorac Surg 17 1 111 Yuki Endo Bioartificial pulsatile cuffs fabricated from human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes using a pre-vascularization technique NPJ Regen Med 7 1 22 Minako Hayakawa Successful bailout transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve implantation by placing a long sheath in the aortic arch after eSheath kinking in an extremely tortuous aorta Cardiovasc Interv Ther 37 4 756-757 Takashi Azuma Multibranched endovascular repair using a modified endograft with hydrogel-reinforced fenestrations Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 62 1 ezac042 Yuji Shiozaki Gap-filler method for mechanical aortic valve closure with ventricular assist device implantation JTCVS Tech
13 119-121 Ryogo Hoki Ventricular Assist Device-Induced Ventricular Septal Perforation Circ J 86 8 1307 Azumi Hamasaki Trans-cuff leakage in bio-Bentall operation J Card Surg 37 4 1056-1058 Yuki Nakayama Surgical outcomes of reoperation after Fontan completion Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg 34 3 438-445 2021年
著者 タイトル 雑誌名 卷 号 ページ 日野阿斗務 周術期冠動脈障害との鑑別を要したマクロクレアチンキナーゼ血症の1例 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 50 5 305-308 渡邊冴基 選択的分枝塞栓術と胸部ステントグラフト内挿術が有効であった無症候性気管支動脈瘤の1例 胸部外科 74 8 627-630 池田 諒 42年前に埋め込まれた傾斜Disk弁(Lillehei-Kaster弁)不全に対して大動脈弁再置換術を施行した1例 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 50 4 261-264 澤 真太郎 僧帽弁閉鎖不全症を合併した動脈瘤を伴う左内胸動脈肺動脈瘻に対するハイブリッド治療の1例 胸部外科 74 2 152-155 早川 美奈子 経カテーテル的大動脈弁置換術中に破裂したバルーンを合併症なく回収できた1例 胸部外科 74 2 130-133 Yuki Nakayama Outcome of Pulmonary Autograft After the Ross Procedure World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg
12 4 508-515 Hisashi Yoshida Impella insertion for residual aortic dissection. Clin Case Rep
9 8 e04674 Minako Hayakawa Transcatheter aortic valve implantation after branched thoracic endovascular aortic repair in zone 0 Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 69 5 862-865 Yuji Shiozaki Coronary artery bypass using bilateral internal thoracic artery grafts in polyarteritis nodosa J Card Surg 36 8 2979-2981 Kosuke Nakamae Total endovascular repair of a mycotic thoracic aortic aneurysm in a patient with an aberrant right subclavian artery European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 59 4 914-916 Akiko Yamagata Successful transcatheter aortic valve in valve implantation for degenerated trifecta bioprosthesis in a patient with a coronary anomaly General Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 69 7 1137-1139 Yuki Ichihara Complete coronary thrombolysis on continuous-flow left ventricular assist device European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 60 3 721 Satoru Domoto Utility of the minimum-incision transsubclavian approach for transcatheter aortic valve replacement on clinical outcomes in patients with small vessel anatomy J Cardiol 78 1 31-36 Yuki Ichihara Nutcracker syndrome due to chronic aortic dissection J Card Surg
36 3 1138-1139 Akihisa Furuta Long-term surgical results of anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery repair in infants and older patients J Card Surg
36 3 821-827 Satoru Domoto Safety and efficacy of the percutaneous thoracic endovascular repair with regional anesthesia Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
69 2 267-273 Kaoru Hattori Bicuspid aortic valve morphology and aortic valvular outflow jets: an experimental analysis using an MRI-compatible pulsatile flow circulation system Sci Rep 11 1 2066 Takeshi Shinkawa Bentall and redo-Konno Operation for an Adult With Aortic Paraprosthetic Leak and Root Aneurysm World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg 12 1 142-144 Yuki Nakayama Myocardial ischemia from previously placed autologous pericardial roll conduits Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 29 1 38-40 Kosuke Nakamae Surgical management for dual left anterior descending artery with anomalous origin of left coronary artery from pulmonary artery: a case report Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 69 1 94-96 2020年
著者 タイトル 雑誌名 卷 号 ページ 浜崎 安純 冠動脈分野の2019年の進歩 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 49 5 317-320 中前 亨介 症候性の特発性孤立性上腸間膜動脈解離に対してステント治療が有効であった2例 心臓 52 8 909-915 奥木 聡志 感染性多発大動脈瘤に対する治療戦略 開窓型ステントグラフトを用いた胸腹部大動脈瘤治療 日本血管外科学会雑誌 29 1 9-13 Akiko Yamagata Acute thrombus formation upon clip delivery system entrance in the left atrium Eur Heart J Case Rep
.4 6 1-2 Akihisa Furuta The midterm results of thoracic endovascular aortic repair with a precurved fenestrated endograft in zone 0-1
Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 58 4 722-729 Satoshi Okugi Therapeutic Strategies for Infectious Multiple Aortic Aneurysms: Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Treatment Using a Fenestrated Stent-Graft Ann Vasc Dis
13 3 326-329 Kei Kobayashi Right ventricle to pulmonary artery conduit with tricuspid expanded polytetrafluoroethylene valves Ann Thorac Surg
112 3 831-837 Satoru Domoto Unique haemodynamics in a patient with apicoaortic conduit dysfunction who underwent transcatheter aortic valve replacement Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging 21 6 652 Azumi Hamasaki Pulmonary infiltration shadows associated with acute aortic dissection mimicking coronavirus pneumonia J Card Surg
35 5 1106-1107 2019年
著者 タイトル 雑誌名 卷 号 ページ 高橋 研 複雑な解剖を合併した大動脈弁狭窄症に対して経カテーテル大動脈弁置換術を施行した1例 胸部外科 72 9 694-697 Satoru Domoto Minimally invasive treatment for isolated internal iliac artery aneurysms preserving superior gluteal artery flow Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
67 10 835-840 Yuki Nakayama Late Neo-Aortic Valve Regurgitation Long After Arterial Switch Operation Ann Thorac Surg 108 4 1210-1216 2018年
著者 タイトル 雑誌名 卷 号 ページ Yuichi Matsuzaki Twenty-year experience with the Konno operation: Konno incision does not impair LV function Gen Thorac Cardiovasc Surg
.66 5 270-275